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Forum Koh Tao » Santé

attention reel danger

Sujet démarré le : Le 26 août 2014 à 08:11

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Messages postés : 1
Depuis le 26/08/2014
Le 26 août 2014 à 08:11 Vu 4178 fois Fabrice a dit :
+4 -1

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Messages postés : 130
Depuis le 27/10/2014
Le 09 nov. 2014 à 10:37 Robert à dit :
sur le mur de koh tao community board

"As we all know, Box jellyfish are being reported every day at a various sites around the island. So I just wanted to post a bit of info about them in case some people are not familiar. From what I can tell by the photos I have been sent so far, we are most likely dealing with either Carybdea rastonii or Tamoya haplonema. Both are less lethal than the Australian Box Jellyfish Chironex fleckeri. A sting from either of these two species will induce moderate to severe pain, swelling and skin pigment changes lasting up to two weeks. T. haplonema can also cause muscle cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Generally symptoms for both species subside within 2-4 hours. However stings should still be taken very seriously as they can be complicated due to preexisting conditions or anaphylactic shock in some individuals.
Prevention is the key, as the nematocysts are triggered by chemicals on the skin even thin protective layers (ie rash guard, long sleeve shirt, Lycra suits, nylons, leggings, etc) can help, all divers and snorkelers should do their best to cover up as much as possible. I would also recommend dive local dive centers provide such attire for customers under their ‘shorty’ suits. And avoid touching mooring lines as often tentacles become entangled in them and remain active even if the bell of the jellyfish is gone.
Treatment is to first stabilize and monitor ABCs, remove the tentacles using tweezers or gloves, or flushing with sea water (NOT fresh water). Flush the area with vinegar to neutralize any remaining nematocysts and then apply a cold or hot pack to help relieve pain. Providing O2 can also help if shock is suspected. Call Koh Tao Rescue (077456508 or 1669) for assistance and further advice."


Utilisateur anonyme
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Messages postés : 4
Depuis le 11/11/2014
Le 11 nov. 2014 à 14:49 Robert à dit :
encore aujourd'hui sur le mur de koh tao community board
"Andreas Sundqvist
Love Koh Tao even if I got stung by a Box Gellyfish today and are currently getting Iv/painkiller for this at Koh Tao clinic/hospital.
My thoughts goes to my dive buddy Marine that got severe stung on both of her legs and hands.
She is on the way to the Hospital in Samui!

I only got a fraction of the stings that Marine got and my hurts quite a bit.
She was in horrible pain!
Please be careful when diving outside Koh Tao."


Utilisateur anonyme
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Messages postés : 4
Depuis le 11/11/2014
Le 11 nov. 2014 à 15:25 Robert à dit :
encore aujourd'hui sur le mur de koh tao community board
"Andreas Sundqvist
Love Koh Tao even if I got stung by a Box Gellyfish today and are currently getting Iv/painkiller for this at Koh Tao clinic/hospital.
My thoughts goes to my dive buddy Marine that got severe stung on both of her legs and hands.
She is on the way to the Hospital in Samui!

I only got a fraction of the stings that Marine got and my hurts quite a bit.
She was in horrible pain!
Please be careful when diving outside Koh Tao."

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